Kolping Network Family
Kolping International
KOLPING INTERNATIONAL considers itself a proactive global family with all members showing solidarity for one another. No matter whether they live in Europe, Africa, Asia or America: In about 9000 Kolping Families people have united to help one another and to make a difference for the benefit of all people.
Kolping Tanzania
The Kolping Society of Tanzania was established in 1989 after the then Diocesan Bishop of Bukoba, the Right Reverend Bishop Nestor Timanywa, gave his consent for its establishment. Under the persuasion and guidance of the Director of the Lay Apostolate in Bukoba Diocese, Very Rev. Msgr. David Kamugisha, twelve members in Bukoba Parish formed a Kolping Family which was formally inaugurated in June of that year.
Building the capacity of our members, to consistently deliver on projects and understand considered good practice. Enabling the sector to self-regulate.
Kolping Uganda
Uganda is one of the poorest countries in East Africa but it has enormous potential. After having been affected by dictatorship, riots and terror during many decades, the country has now become a stable republic with a positive development. As a global exporter of coffee and bananas Uganda belongs to the emerging countries in East Africa.
Thabiso Skills Institute
Siyabhabha Trust Caritas South Africa was founded in 1970 in response to the poverty most people were suffering as a result of apartheid. Widespread poverty and inequality are still major problems in the country, which also has one of the highest HIV infection rates in the world.
Archdiocese of Cape Town
Save the Children SA
Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference

” Caring Christian communities that are able to bring new life and hope in the areas of health, wellbeing and equality in a world affected by HIV.”